Engaging First Nations Communities

Engaging First Nations Communities 

We encourage all clubs across Northern NSW to acknowledge and connect with their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, particularly during National Reconciliation Week at the end of May and NAIDOC Week in July. 

As clubs, we can create a respectful environment to help promote the inclusion of more Indigenous players. This includes ensuring we show respect by arranging for a Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country at major or significant events and meetings. 

  • A Welcome to Country is for major events, and can only be delivered by a Traditional Owner or Custodian of the land where the event is held. 
  • An Acknowledgement of Country can be delivered by anyone at the beginning of an event or meeting. 

You can find out more including how to give an Acknowledgement of Country at indigenous.gov.au. 

If you’re unsure about whose Country you are on, or which group of people to include in an Acknowledgement of Country, head to aiatsis.gov.au for additional information. Alternatively, check the local government website within your area, as many of these include an Acknowledgement of Country for your location.  

If you would like to learn more about how to engage with First Nations communities as a club, please contact our team and connect with the Northern NSW Football Indigenous Reference Group.